Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Romney Deflates the President"

“Romney deflates the president” is an argument on Obamas weak debate in the first 2012 election debate. Columnist Peggy Noonan’s argument was that candidate Mitt Romney did a surprising swell job in his first debate against president Obama.  Noonan states “It wasn’t just Mitt Romney’s strong performance. It was President Obama’s amazingly weak one.” Noonan seems to be on Romney’s side as she says “We don't like the Obama economy! We don't like ObamaCare! We don't like not having jobs! Nothing personal, but this didn't work!” I would have to agree with the author. As I looked up what ObamaCare was, I was saddened to find out that President Obama is making it against the law to not have insurance. What does that say about what the president of our country has to think about the Declaration of Independence? Obama is giving us two options: be penalized by spending on a tax for not having insurance or spend money on insurance processed by the government. “We the people” are not in favor of what many laws the higher power decided so why do they call this a Democracy? Therefore the only thing we can do is decided against the candidate and HOPE that our next president will make better and wiser decisions for the country.
Peggy Noonan’s intended audience is 2012 voters (mostly Republicans.) As Noonan speaks about this very surprising debate she also states that “Mr. Romney gave the president some openings. The president didn't take them. Why? It crossed my mind he was playing possum. But possums wake up at some point.  Although Romney did well in the debate there is always a chance that President Obama will do better in the next. Both parties have potential in falling and taking our country down with them but it is the people that decided in whether our president brings us up or pulls us further down in the hole.

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