Friday, October 19, 2012

"Biden's Intelligence"

Biden's Intellegence is about a few comments made by Joe Biden in his debate with Paul Ryan. The author states "To a question about the Administration's willingness to stop the Tehran regime from going nuclear, he said what matters isn't Iran's ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade. It's whether it can build and deliver a bomb." Biden can really not be that dumb as to say that they have Uranium but so what? Well, Biden my good sir, weapons are obviously not that hard to get by in many countries even in the U.S. Who’s to say they aren’t fueling up the tank before they start the engine? 

Biden also makes another comment about Obamas policy shift on Afghanistan he says, "We are leaving in 2014, period, and in the process we're going to be saving over the next 10 years another $800 billion." Then we go back to understand that Obama says we will still have at least 30,000 troops in Afghanistan to ensure that the Taliban don’t overrun Kabul again. So who are we supposed to believe? Either Obama is lying or Biden doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I am going to hope that Biden is the one that needs to get his story straight otherwise our country is in a lot more trouble than we think. “Don't worry, be happy may be a good campaign theme for Mr. Biden. Don't worry about a resurgent al Qaeda in North Africa. Or the escalating war in Syria. Or Iran's mullahs with weapons grade uranium, or Vladimir Putin's increasingly anti-American policy, or China's muscular antics in the Pacific.”
I think that this debate did not go very well for Biden and which makes Obama look…well let’s just say not so good. If they expect us to vote don’t come at the public with an unknowledgeable vice president, because it will worry us.

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