Friday, November 2, 2012

"Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised?"

"Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised?" is about two arguments on whether or not the 65 age eligibility should be raised or not. Maya MacGuineas says, "Yes: A fair way to cut costs." I completely disagree, I think that it should be left where it stands. Two years may not be a lot to some but it may be a big difference to others. If someone who is, lets say, 64 years old and they are having trouble affording their medical costs then they could be waiting a couple of months to a year to get decent medical care instead of having to wait three years. That being said I say don't mess with something so little that shouldn't be messed with because a lot can happen in 3 years... it could mean life or death to many senior citizens. Medicare is also for people with permanent disabilities. If Medicare age eligibility will be raised will the rules and regulations changes for other with Medicare? I believe our government could be cutting costs on many others things, so why try to cut costs knowing that it will drastically change something that people depend on. Many seniors obviously need it otherwise people wouldn't have to apply for it and go through a process for getting it. The government should try to see through the class of the middle class's eyes, many people think of help through government is given to those who don't work or are just straight up trouble makes but coming from a family who received government help I can really say it's not because people try to take advantage of the system but because in reality all the help one can get really counts.

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