Friday, November 16, 2012

Commentary on Views of a Young Citizen

Andrea Crosser's blog on Romney's Everchanging Stance on Abortion seems very interesting to me because, sadly, this is one of the main topics that americans base their decision on when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate. As a woman there are many different things I can say about this topic. But as someone who was raised against it I can't really say that I am completely for abortion.
I can agree that no one is to say whether you must or mustn't have a child who was or wasn't planned. Everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their body and I believe that only in the circumstance in which one is raped then they should be able to decide whether an abortion should take place because that person wasn't in control of their body at the time. Now being that an abortion means killing a life I would not be so sure of it but if that's what the person decides... then so be it. If abortions would be against the law of course people are going to find their way around it just like Crosser said, but there should definitely be other ways, like adoptions, that a woman should be able to proceed with instead of an abortion.
When voting for a president, it's sad that people have to consider this topic when choosing who to vote for. In the end the president or anybody else for that matter can't even know whether one is molested or not so why not just leave it as is and leave these woman to choose for themselves how it should be, if people are going to find a way around it they might as well give people some say in what happens to their body and child.

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