Friday, November 30, 2012

"In Colorado, No Playbook for New Marijuana Law"

In "In Colorado, No Playbook for New Marijuana Law" by Jack Healy, we once again hear about how marijuana charges shouldn't be something to be arrested for. There are many people who are against smoking marijuana and just drugs in general and there are those who say, "hell yes, make it legal!"  In my opinion... it really is hard for me to care. If people aren't into smoking the stuff then fine, stay away from it. Everyone is entitles to an opinion, if people choose to believe that smoking marijuana isn't bad then so be it but those people should definitely go about it the legal way. If people aren't smoking marijuana legally I think there should be a fine to teach a lesson because just like alcohol, if you aren't able to drink it then you just shouldn't because things could get out of hands."Chief Oates said that the police would enforce city codes regulating medical marijuana growers, and that they would still pursue drug traffickers and dealers." I think that law enforcement is insane if they really think they can still try to catch people for trafficking and dealing because it is definitely going to easily be a hundred times harder if it becomes legal. I think the only thing good that will come of legalizing marijuana is being able to actually put people in jail for a better reason other that a couple of immature people just trying to have fun and who were just dumb enough to get caught. Hopefully that's how law enforcement sees it and doesn't just find another stupid reason to start arresting people.

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