Saturday, December 1, 2012

"I D.A.R.E. You to Read This" commentary

In Clayton Barone's "I D.A.R.E. You to Read This" commentary he talks about a government funded program called "D.A.R.E.." "So why are kids consuming marijuana and alcohol when the government is dumping millions of dollars into programs like D.A.R.E.?" says Barone. He later says that he thinks this program should not be cancelled. The main or one of the main problems of our country is being in debt, if kids aren't understanding these lectures on drugs then why not get rid of them and save some money? Being in elementary school, I do recall the D.A.R.E. lectures we were given but most importantly I remember not understanding them. Children in elementary school are just too young to understand. If the government wants to help children get out of drugs and peer pressure then they should be talking to high schoolers and possibly middle schoolers. Being a teenager is when it's important to teach kids the bigger life lessons because that is when they like to sneak around and keep things from their parents. Of course as people get older they tend to tone others out because as humans we don't like rules and having to be ordered around. Some people do learn best from mistakes and I think thats the important thing. If you thoroughly describe to a person what it is to "get high" I think they feel less pressured to try it because in reality it's what, just ten minutes maybe of pleasure that you might regret later when you can't get the job you wanted? I say, keep the program or don't people are going to make their own decisions no matter what and will learn from their mistakes whether they heard some lecture or they didn't.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"In Colorado, No Playbook for New Marijuana Law"

In "In Colorado, No Playbook for New Marijuana Law" by Jack Healy, we once again hear about how marijuana charges shouldn't be something to be arrested for. There are many people who are against smoking marijuana and just drugs in general and there are those who say, "hell yes, make it legal!"  In my opinion... it really is hard for me to care. If people aren't into smoking the stuff then fine, stay away from it. Everyone is entitles to an opinion, if people choose to believe that smoking marijuana isn't bad then so be it but those people should definitely go about it the legal way. If people aren't smoking marijuana legally I think there should be a fine to teach a lesson because just like alcohol, if you aren't able to drink it then you just shouldn't because things could get out of hands."Chief Oates said that the police would enforce city codes regulating medical marijuana growers, and that they would still pursue drug traffickers and dealers." I think that law enforcement is insane if they really think they can still try to catch people for trafficking and dealing because it is definitely going to easily be a hundred times harder if it becomes legal. I think the only thing good that will come of legalizing marijuana is being able to actually put people in jail for a better reason other that a couple of immature people just trying to have fun and who were just dumb enough to get caught. Hopefully that's how law enforcement sees it and doesn't just find another stupid reason to start arresting people.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Commentary on Views of a Young Citizen

Andrea Crosser's blog on Romney's Everchanging Stance on Abortion seems very interesting to me because, sadly, this is one of the main topics that americans base their decision on when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate. As a woman there are many different things I can say about this topic. But as someone who was raised against it I can't really say that I am completely for abortion.
I can agree that no one is to say whether you must or mustn't have a child who was or wasn't planned. Everyone should be able to do whatever they want with their body and I believe that only in the circumstance in which one is raped then they should be able to decide whether an abortion should take place because that person wasn't in control of their body at the time. Now being that an abortion means killing a life I would not be so sure of it but if that's what the person decides... then so be it. If abortions would be against the law of course people are going to find their way around it just like Crosser said, but there should definitely be other ways, like adoptions, that a woman should be able to proceed with instead of an abortion.
When voting for a president, it's sad that people have to consider this topic when choosing who to vote for. In the end the president or anybody else for that matter can't even know whether one is molested or not so why not just leave it as is and leave these woman to choose for themselves how it should be, if people are going to find a way around it they might as well give people some say in what happens to their body and child.

Friday, November 2, 2012

"Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised?"

"Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised?" is about two arguments on whether or not the 65 age eligibility should be raised or not. Maya MacGuineas says, "Yes: A fair way to cut costs." I completely disagree, I think that it should be left where it stands. Two years may not be a lot to some but it may be a big difference to others. If someone who is, lets say, 64 years old and they are having trouble affording their medical costs then they could be waiting a couple of months to a year to get decent medical care instead of having to wait three years. That being said I say don't mess with something so little that shouldn't be messed with because a lot can happen in 3 years... it could mean life or death to many senior citizens. Medicare is also for people with permanent disabilities. If Medicare age eligibility will be raised will the rules and regulations changes for other with Medicare? I believe our government could be cutting costs on many others things, so why try to cut costs knowing that it will drastically change something that people depend on. Many seniors obviously need it otherwise people wouldn't have to apply for it and go through a process for getting it. The government should try to see through the class of the middle class's eyes, many people think of help through government is given to those who don't work or are just straight up trouble makes but coming from a family who received government help I can really say it's not because people try to take advantage of the system but because in reality all the help one can get really counts.

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Biden's Intelligence"

Biden's Intellegence is about a few comments made by Joe Biden in his debate with Paul Ryan. The author states "To a question about the Administration's willingness to stop the Tehran regime from going nuclear, he said what matters isn't Iran's ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade. It's whether it can build and deliver a bomb." Biden can really not be that dumb as to say that they have Uranium but so what? Well, Biden my good sir, weapons are obviously not that hard to get by in many countries even in the U.S. Who’s to say they aren’t fueling up the tank before they start the engine? 

Biden also makes another comment about Obamas policy shift on Afghanistan he says, "We are leaving in 2014, period, and in the process we're going to be saving over the next 10 years another $800 billion." Then we go back to understand that Obama says we will still have at least 30,000 troops in Afghanistan to ensure that the Taliban don’t overrun Kabul again. So who are we supposed to believe? Either Obama is lying or Biden doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I am going to hope that Biden is the one that needs to get his story straight otherwise our country is in a lot more trouble than we think. “Don't worry, be happy may be a good campaign theme for Mr. Biden. Don't worry about a resurgent al Qaeda in North Africa. Or the escalating war in Syria. Or Iran's mullahs with weapons grade uranium, or Vladimir Putin's increasingly anti-American policy, or China's muscular antics in the Pacific.”
I think that this debate did not go very well for Biden and which makes Obama look…well let’s just say not so good. If they expect us to vote don’t come at the public with an unknowledgeable vice president, because it will worry us.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

"Romney Deflates the President"

“Romney deflates the president” is an argument on Obamas weak debate in the first 2012 election debate. Columnist Peggy Noonan’s argument was that candidate Mitt Romney did a surprising swell job in his first debate against president Obama.  Noonan states “It wasn’t just Mitt Romney’s strong performance. It was President Obama’s amazingly weak one.” Noonan seems to be on Romney’s side as she says “We don't like the Obama economy! We don't like ObamaCare! We don't like not having jobs! Nothing personal, but this didn't work!” I would have to agree with the author. As I looked up what ObamaCare was, I was saddened to find out that President Obama is making it against the law to not have insurance. What does that say about what the president of our country has to think about the Declaration of Independence? Obama is giving us two options: be penalized by spending on a tax for not having insurance or spend money on insurance processed by the government. “We the people” are not in favor of what many laws the higher power decided so why do they call this a Democracy? Therefore the only thing we can do is decided against the candidate and HOPE that our next president will make better and wiser decisions for the country.
Peggy Noonan’s intended audience is 2012 voters (mostly Republicans.) As Noonan speaks about this very surprising debate she also states that “Mr. Romney gave the president some openings. The president didn't take them. Why? It crossed my mind he was playing possum. But possums wake up at some point.  Although Romney did well in the debate there is always a chance that President Obama will do better in the next. Both parties have potential in falling and taking our country down with them but it is the people that decided in whether our president brings us up or pulls us further down in the hole.

Friday, September 21, 2012

"Media now criticizing Obama for mentioning capture of bin Laden."

On September 17, 2012 AMERICAblog posted a blog titled "Media now criticizing Obama for mentioning capture of bin Laden." This blog is a must read because it may open your eyes to some of the ideas our presidential candidate have. I thought it was interesting to read because i very much agree with the author, if in disagreement with the author the opposing  story is interesting because although the blog leans toward one side it still explains the value of both sides. Those trying to make a decision on voting for president may find that this blog can open up a different point of view on each candidate.